Website Includes: Articles and materials related to mindfulness for students and teachers.
Calm Classroom
Website includes: Curriculum (3-minute scripted meditations for pre-K through highschool), implementation resources (manuals by age and audio recordings), training (in-person and on-line).
Mindfulness at Our School
Website includes: Mindfulness research, information on establishing a mindfulness school program, in-class lessons and practice videos, strategies for at-home practice, resource list.
Mission Be
Website includes: General information about mindfulness, information about school-based mindfulness curriculum, training resources for educators and on-line parent workshops. Mindfulness videos for classroom use are available.
Website includes: Guided meditations for adults on many topics, guided meditations for children, music, nature scenes. Calmschools provides free access to the apps and website for schools and teachers. www.calm/schools
App for Iphone and Android includes: Guided meditations for adults & children, sleep stories, music, nature scenes. Links to the app:
Mindful Schools
Website includes: General mindfulness information, mindfulness research, on-line training resources, curriculum.
Website includes: General mindfulness information, access to mindfulness exercises for adults and children of all ages (broken down by age group), option for customizing times. Free access for educators.
App for Iphone & Android includes: Mindfulness exercises for adults and children, sleep resources.
Smiling Mind
Website includes: General information about mental health and mindfulness, teacher resources, curriculum, and training (including on-line) resources.
App for iPhone & Android includes: Curriculum and lesson plans by grade (free), mindfulness meditations, mindfulness resources for home and for adults, sleep resources. Links to app:
Mindfulness in Schools Project
Website includes: General information about mindfulness and related research; training (on-line options available), curriculum, informational resources.
Stop, Breathe, & Think Kids
Website includes: resources for use in the classroom (activity packets, worksheets, posters), link for teachers to register to receive free premium content on the app.
App for iPhone & Android includes: Guided mindfulness and breathing exercises for elementary school children with videos; sleep resources. Links to the app:
Website includes: General information about mindfulness; Guided meditations for adults on many topics, guided meditations for children, music.
App for Iphone and Android includes: Guided meditations for adults & children, music, sleep resources. Links to the app:
Mindful teachers
Website includes: tips and tools for implementing mindfulness in the classroom, several videos and guided meditation scripts.
Mindful Family
App for iPhone includes: Mindfulness exercises for adults and children. Link to the app: