Sesame Street: Breathe, Think, Do

App for iPhone and Android: Game for teaching younger children (ages 2-5) to use breathing and problem-solving strategies for dealing with frustration and other strong emotions. Links to the app:

Mindful Powers

This app for the iPhone This is an interactive instructional mindfulness app for kids. Link to the app:



Website includes: Guided meditations for adults on many topics, guided meditations for children, music, nature scenes. Calmschools provides free access to the apps and website for schools and teachers. www.calm/schools

App for Iphone and Android includes: Guided meditations for adults & children, sleep stories, music, nature scenes. Links to the app:


Website includes: General mindfulness information, access to mindfulness exercises for adults and children of all ages (broken down by age group), option for customizing times. Free access for educators.

App for Iphone & Android includes: Mindfulness exercises for adults and children, sleep resources.

Smiling Mind

Website includes: General information about mental health and mindfulness, teacher resources, curriculum, and training (including on-line) resources.

App for iPhone & Android includes: Curriculum and lesson plans by grade (free), mindfulness meditations, mindfulness resources for home and for adults, sleep resources. Links to app:


Website includes: General information about mindfulness; Guided meditations for adults on many topics, guided meditations for children, music.

App for Iphone and Android includes: Guided meditations for adults & children, music, sleep resources. Links to the app:

Three Good Things

A happiness/gratitude journaling app. Link to the app:


Insight Timer

App for iPhone & Android includes: Mindfulness exercises for adults and children. Links to the app: