Website Includes: Articles and materials related to mindfulness for students and teachers.
Mindfulness at Our School
Website includes: Mindfulness research, information on establishing a mindfulness school program, in-class lessons and practice videos, strategies for at-home practice, resource list.
Mission Be
Website includes: General information about mindfulness, information about school-based mindfulness curriculum, training resources for educators and on-line parent workshops. Mindfulness videos for classroom use are available.
Website includes: Guided meditations for adults on many topics, guided meditations for children, music, nature scenes. Calmschools provides free access to the apps and website for schools and teachers. www.calm/schools
App for Iphone and Android includes: Guided meditations for adults & children, sleep stories, music, nature scenes. Links to the app:
Website includes: General mindfulness information, access to mindfulness exercises for adults and children of all ages (broken down by age group), option for customizing times. Free access for educators.
App for Iphone & Android includes: Mindfulness exercises for adults and children, sleep resources.
Smiling Mind
Website includes: General information about mental health and mindfulness, teacher resources, curriculum, and training (including on-line) resources.
App for iPhone & Android includes: Curriculum and lesson plans by grade (free), mindfulness meditations, mindfulness resources for home and for adults, sleep resources. Links to app:
Website includes: General information about mindfulness; Guided meditations for adults on many topics, guided meditations for children, music.
App for Iphone and Android includes: Guided meditations for adults & children, music, sleep resources. Links to the app:
Mindful teachers
Website includes: tips and tools for implementing mindfulness in the classroom, several videos and guided meditation scripts.
Greater Good Science Center
Based at UC Berkeley, the organization is dedicated to “the science of a meaningful life”.
Website includes: General information about mindfulness and meditation, articles, videos, and blogs.
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
Website includes: General information about mindfulness and research, trainings, workshops, podcasts, and other resources, free recorded guided meditations.
App for iPhone & Android includes: Meditations & podcasts. Links to the app:
Palouse Mindfulness: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Free on-line 8-week MBSR course with print and video materials and audio recordings for guided mindfulness meditation practices.